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Founded in the Historic Niles District of Fremont, CA in 2017. The Lamplighters are the Group responsible for the Repository Collection. A colorful faction, led by a “Head-Lamplighter”, with an entry level position known as “The Candle Boy”. The Lamplighters come from all walks of life and from various chapters. All are dedicated to Preserving, Archiving and Passing On the history of our Ancient & Honorable Fraternal organization to the next Brother.

Better known as the DSR: A temporary light-weight structure in modular sections for portability. The main objective of the DSR, when erected, is to display the various pieces and regalia that have been recovered. Designed to mimic the front facet of an old 1900’s era Pier Cannery. One of the many features of the DSR includes exterior porthole openings that house interchangeable showcases featuring the Garb of our Fallen. The Name “Dead Salmon” was adopted to honor the late, but never forgotten, XNGH #4, “Joel Roberts” and his years of dedication to E Clampus Vitus®.

The Repository Historians

In order to maintain ubiquity, the Lamplighters have since called upon like-minded Brethren from various chapters to become satellite ambassadors to the DSR. This also ensures the longevity of the Dead Salmon Project by training future Lamplighters and acclimating them to the responsibilities of the Repository. This includes the DSR collection. The learning curve takes time and during this process new members are referred to as “Repository Historians”. Each DSR Historian is hand-selected and unanimously approved by the current Lamplighter Committee. New Historians are summoned to the annual “Passing of the Lantern” event where nominees receive their individual Repository registry numbers and partake in the Unprecedented Passing Ceremony.

Ille Autem Pascebant
Eos Lux De Hills

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